Found another old photo which brought back a flood of beautiful memories. Also reminded me of what a versatile performance repertoire I had accumulated in the early years of my dance life. This photo was taken during my teens - not sure when. I am the upside down gal - pretending to be a super-flexible snake. It was a story about a battle between the beautiful peacock and the super agile snake. The dance ends with the snake being killed by the three peacocks. Well, clearly I was outnumbered there !!
But it was also a wonderful piece for me to do as my teacher had recognized my flexibility and she had created some very demanding choreography for me to do. One in particular I remember had required me to spin on my knees in a circle. This challenged me in terms of extending my movement vocabulary. It also ensured that I did not get too hung up with the classical training. Many classical dancers who are not exposed to other dance forms subsequently find it very difficult to pick up other styles.
The costume I also felt was super hip. Just a blue track suit with some Indian accessories to connect it back to the indian art form. But rather realistic in terms of the peacock feathers and the form fitting catsuit. I remember painting the scales on the blue track suit before the show. Fun, fun, fun.
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